Wednesday, October 24, 2007


This was the week I was supposed to be in Orlando to appear on a panel on project failure at a conference sponsored by project software vendor Primavera.

This was also another week when I was supposed to be at the Arizona State Fair every day I was in town demonstrating lapidary.

Last week was the week I not only demonstrated at the fair, I also attended Storage Networking World in Dallas.

I actually spent this week being deathly ill as a result of trying to do too much and a bug I picked up either at the fair or in Dallas.

One of the problems with a freelancer's life is that you don't get out much. As a result you're very susceptible to colds, flu and other nasties contracted from those around you.

In my case this is exacerbated by my health problems.

"Man's reach should exceed his grasp, else what's a heaven for."
-- Old Saying

"Not to mention projectile vomiting"
-- Rick Cook (who is feeling very old this week)

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